Teaching in Denmark

时间:2022-06-02   访问量:101
Teaching in Denmark

At the invitation of the Ministry of Culture & Tourism of China, Mr. Xing Qilin, accompanied by student and interpreter Qiu Weifeng, gave lectures on Taiji culture at the Chinese Cultural Center in Copenhagen. Over two days of intensive lectures from November 3rd - 4th, forty to fifty local Taijiquan and Qigong enthusiasts came to attend the lectures every day. Mr. Xing Qilin taught the profound Taiji culture in a lively and easy-to-understand way, emphasizing that this ancient Chinese culture is all about application, practice, improvement and enlightenment. By practicing movement and stillness, rigidity and flexibility in tandem, this culture enables practical training of the body and mind for young and old alike through a step-by-step methodology, allowing practice at all skill levels for life-long benefits in health maintenance.