Taiji Lecture USA Tour

时间:2022-06-02   访问量:102
Taiji Lecture USA Tour

4th - 25th of February, 2018

Mr Xing Qilin and Dr. Cui Ailing were jointly invited by China’s Ministry of Culture, by the Cultural Counselor of Houston and the Cultural Counselor of the Consulate General in New York, and by Yale University to lead TZY teachers and students to the United States for exchange activities. The following activities were conducted over the 22-day period.


At the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism, TZY arrived in Little Rock, Arkansas and performed for an audience of 1132 people, of which 80% were foreigners and over 200 were students. Faced with an unprecedented perspective into Chinese Taiji culture, TZY’s performance was received enthusiastically, and the local Mayor personally awarded the arriving party with certificates of honorary citizenship.


Taiji cultural exchange with 100 students and teachers from New Haven Beecher Road Elementary School.

Performed Taiji with 120 students and teachers from St. Thomas's Day School.

Taiji interactive exchange with 200 students and teachers of Hopkins High School


Taiji cultural experience and exchange with 150 people from the College of East Asia

Taiji instruction for over 40 professors of Lawn Club

Yale University hired Tianjin Tianzhen Culture Development Co., Ltd. teacher Yu Qianrong as a visiting scholar and resident of Lawn Club in New Haven to teach Taiji culture. 


Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Consulate General in New York, Mr. Li Liyan, met with Mr. Xing Qilin and his wife Dr. Cui Ailing. Recognising Mr. Xing’s role as a cultural ambassador from China, he gave a positive and enthusiastic response towards the dissemination of Tianzhen Taiji Culture to the United States and his full affirmation of this exchange as a high-level communication of Chinese culture. He also facilitated an interview by TV network Sinovision.

On March 28, 2018, at the invitation of Sinovision, the network recorded and aired two episodes titled "Xing Qilin: Taijiquan and Taiji Culture” on the Sinovision program "New York Living Room”, featuring interviews of Mr Xing Qilin during his dissemination of Taiji culture. Sinovision is one of the largest and most influential Chinese television stations in the United States.