Teaching and Cultural Exchange in New Zealand

时间:2022-06-02   访问量:111
Teaching and Cultural Exchange in New Zealand

At the invitation of the Foreign Cultural Exchange Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, Mr. Xing Qilin and Ms. Feng Yundai went to Wellington, New Zealand, and conducted four cultural exchanges with Taiji enthusiasts from the Ministry of Health of New Zealand and various Taiji training institutions in the form of lectures and interactive exercises. On World Taiji Day (28th May), they demonstrated the beauty of Taiji with the performance “Wu Gen Shu” (Tree with no Roots), which was warmly welcomed and applauded by the participants, thus bringing the trip to its successful conclusion. The success of this exchange could not have been achieved without the support and assistance provided by the leaders of the Foreign Cultural Exchange Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China, as well as the leaders and staff of the New Zealand Chinese Cultural Center, over a period of one and a half months from the beginning of March, and will surely be remembered as a success story for the dissemination of Chinese culture through “telling stories that are uniquely Chinese, whilst demonstrating and performing Taiji”.